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What is Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a holistic medical system that restores health to the entire person. It was created by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann  in 1796 and is used throughout the world to treat both chronic and acute health conditions. It addresses the health of an individual taking into account the mental and emotional symptoms as well as the physical conditions. 

A Homeopathic consultant will speak at length to a client to assess the total picture of who they are as a person and where imbalance has arisen. After consultation, one specific remedy will be suggested. These remedies are prepared from natural substances and are non-toxic. Because they work on the whole person and restore balance to the total picture of an individual, there are no side effects. Homeopathic remedies can be used together with treatments from traditional medical professionals.  

Healing with homeopathy happens from within and stimulates the body's ability to heal.



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